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Yoga's Foundation Philosophy: The Yamas and Niyamas

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This term in YogaHara’s Integrated class on Tuesdays at 7.15pm we will explore the foundation philosophy of the Yamas and Niyamas, the guidelines for living a yogic lifestyle.

The Yamas and Niyamas, according to Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, are the first two limbs of the 8 Limbs of Yoga. The Yamas (of which there are 5) are our social observances and the Niyamas (also 5) are our personal observances. They are generally considered the foundational philosophical teachings of yoga.

You should all be familiar with the very first Yama of Ahimsa which means Non Harm. Every YogaHara class refers to this Yama either by its Sanskrit name or its English translation. But it has a much deeper meaning than just looking after yourself on the yoga mat.

If you are interested learning a little more about the philosophy of yoga, then this s a great place to start. Our integrated class includes a discussion/talk about the week’s theme, meditation, chanting (we learn a new chant each term), and asana practice (postures). It sometimes also includes iRest yoga nidra.

Stephen Cope, author of ‘The Wisdom of Yoga’ (1) says the Yamas and Niyamas are about “avoiding behaviors that produce suffering and difficulty, and embracing those that lead to states of happiness.” Sounds like a pretty good life goal to me!

In the first session, for context, we will briefly touch on the other 6 limbs: Pranayama (breath or lifeforce expansion), Pratyhara (sense withdrawal), Dharana (focused concentration), Dhyana (meditation), and Samadhi (Integration).


7.15pm - 8.45pm Tuesdays
Term 1, 2020, January 20th to March 29th, 2020

Bookings are essential as this is a smaller class than our regular class. You can use your regular YogaHara class pass to attend this class and you can come for the whole term or some casually.

This class is not suitable for people who have never practiced yoga before. Please feel free to contact us if you have questions about this class and its suitability for you.

Head over to our Classes page to buy your pass and book in.

(1) Cope, Stephen, ‘The Wisdom of Yoga’, Bantam, 2007.
Available to purchase in the YogaHara studio or where good books are sold.

Earlier Event: 18 January
Adrenal Healing Workshop